Saturday, February 22, 2020

Reducing Our Plastic Usage.

Plastic is in our ocean, it's in our cupboards and it's in our fridge. But just because it's all around us, doesn't mean we need to use it or rely on it all the time. I know it's not possible to cut out plastic from our lives completely, but there are some options we can take to reduce our plastic bit by bit. I've selected a small collection of my favourite plastic-free items that I use in my everyday life.

Beeswax Wraps

These are just stable in the kitchen. Forget all about cling film as these beeswax wraps work just as well! It's great for transporting your lunch when you go to work! Or for just carrying snacks around when you go out because who doesn't get hungry throughout the day? What's so great about these is you can just keep reusing them again and again, all they need is a quick wash in cold water between uses are you are all good to go!

Metal Straws

Another handy plastic-free item you are able to carry around with you or use at home. Although if you are going out and about with it you are able to purchase collapse versions that pop in your handbag and save a little bit of room! Which saves waste overall when you head out for something to eat or a drink because even though most places have paper straws they end up just being a waste as they go all soggy in your drink!

One thing I will note here is if you are a keen smoothie drinker you'll have to buy extra-large straws otherwise the smoothie mixture gets caught up in the normal-sized ones and let me tell you this it is not a pleasant experience!  

Cotton Pads

These are so perfect for using on an everyday basis! It's crazy to think about how many cottons pads you throw away on a weekly basis so with these you use them and then pop them into a little drawstring wash bag and throw them in the washing machine along with the rest of your washing!

Reusable Water Bottles

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Us as humans need a lot of pints of water so it's important to drink a lot! But when you are out and out you can fall to the bad habits of ending up of buying a water bottle everywhere you go! At the train station or just on the way to town. This could also apply for hot beverages as a reusable coffee cup is just as helpful! Carrying your own help reduce the waste bit by bit! Don't forget to wash it out though!! :) 

Method Cleaner

Now I won't lie to you, these can be a little pricey so I do tend to stock up when an offer is about but aside from that, method cleaners bottles are made from recycled used plastic, and the formulas are cruelty-free and non-harmful to the environment! I can hear what you are thinking, Yes. These do work just as well as the normal more well-known brands that Mr's Hinch often advertises! 

Vegetable Bags

Loose Vegetable in the supermarket is such a great idea. Why hasn't anymore ever thought about it before? Can you note my sarcasm here? But why do these loose vegetables offer plastic bags to store the fruit and veg in. Isn't it defeating the point of why they were used all that time before in greengrocers? In fact why someone ever thinks that fruit and veg needed to be stored in plastic anyway? But these vegetable bags are great at storing all the loose produce so you don't have to rely on plastic no more! 

Bamboo Toothbrushes

Every toothbrush you have used in your life is still out there here on earth. Isn't it crazy to think that? Toothbrush plastic is one of the hardest types of plastic to break down. So with these new bamboo toothbrushes once you have finished using them and it's time to get a new one it's not the same as throwing away old plastic ones are these are in fact bio-degradable. Giving a little helping hand to our earth! 

What are some plastic-free alternatives that you use in your everyday life? I would love to know! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Monthly Roundup // January 2020.

I've learnt a lot about myself in this new year already. It's been only a month but I've experienced quite a lot. It's often hard to reflect back on our lives because often we become so focused upon the bad things that have happened and not the happy moments. But I think that's because as humans we are just destined to be pessimistic. It's installed in our brains, much like procrastination is.

January started off with new years and our annual Christmas party. Often I look back at these with sadness, not because the nights were bad. I was surrounded by some people I can call my closest friends but because of a small percentage of people who deemed to bring negative energy. One thing I am taking from January is how easy it is to be dragged into people's drama. You don't have to be friends with everybody. It's incredibly important to live your life for yourself, and not on the terms of other people. If they've fallen out with somebody doesn't mean you have to follow in suit. While also, don't let people walk all over you. It's not worth it.

January made me realise who my true friends are. I'm so lucky to have the people I have in my life. The friends I surround myself with and my boyfriend Christopher who truly adores every part of me. Despite being an anxiety mess 24/7. (Something I actually started therapy for this month. Don't ever feel you can not ask for help, you can and asking for help makes you a stronger person). I'm so grateful for my Rainbows family and the volunteering I do there to help form part of a social circle for the girls.

January has made me realise how many times I say no because of my anxiety. I'm by all means not becoming a yes person all the time and climbing mount Everest, but I want to start working harder. Working smarter and enjoying my time off to the maximum capacity I can.

In summary, don't let others negativity rule your life. Don't let anxiety make you afraid to get help and leave your house. Love the people closest to you. Love your life. and don't forget to breathe.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sundose* A Personalised Vitamin Supply Review.

*AD -This Blogpost contains gifted items*

Vitamins and supplements are an important addition to our lifestyles to ensure we are able to maintain our general well-being and health. They are something that most of us should be taking daily, but let's be honest it's something we often forget to do. It's kind of like exercising, we know the importance but we often lack the motivation to succeed. This is where Sundose comes into play and why I've loved using them.

So what is it?

Sundose is a Polish vitamin company that helps take out the stress of working out what vitamin and supplements we need to take. With a personalised formula that is based and focuses on the questionnaire, you provide answers too. The questions ranging from being based on your own lifestyle and well-being and also your health and dietary needs. For me, when answering the questionnaire it was very apparent my needs were to be focused on improving my energy levels, due to my struggle of getting out of bed in the morning that in turn is affecting my day to day concentration and productivity levels. 

Once the main 62-page questionnaire has been answered a nutritionist will message you to ask in regards to a few extra questioning in regards to if you have had a recent blood test in the last three months. What you want your supplements to focus the most on. Like I said above, my energy levels is what I picked here. Lastly, what flavour you want for the drink formula part of the vitamins. Importantly I picked Orange as you can never go wrong with orange flavoured products.

When your vitamin supply has arrived, It arrives in a small handy orange box that encloses your 30-day sachets. This orange box makes it incredibly easy to slot into your fridge as that is where these need to be kept. So make sure you have enough room to store them! (Making room was something I forgot to do and had to frantically rearrange my incredibly messy fridge. I am slightly envious of all the Mr's Hinch fans who have the perfect fridge layouts as mine never looks the same). 

But Really, What Does It Contain?

Depending on what supplements you are recommended, your supplements may consist of both tablets and a drink powder formula filled with a mix of vitamins, minerals, omega-3 acids probiotics and antioxidants. These change depending on how you answered the questionnaire and what are best to fitting your lifestyle and dietary requirements. A note to place here is that I found with the drink powder it's best when mixing it with water to let it stand for 5/10 minutes and mixing it every so often to make it taste the nicest. 

In Summary. 

Overall, I've been trying these vitamins for over a week and a half now and have seen some general improvements with my health. My productivity on a day to day basis has really improved and my ability to stay concentrated for longer means I'm getting a lot more done in regards to studying for my University degree. Although I haven't seen much help when it comes to getting up in the morning, I do find my energy levels are supplemented in regards to I'm having more energy in the day. This means I'm able to actually do a lot more after my workday has finished and I'm not just sat on the sofa struggling to stay awake past eight o'clock. This new burst of energy is so new to me and I just love how perfect Sundos is for if you are on the go and need something quick to drink on your way to work or with your breakfast in the morning. 

If supplements and vitamins are something you have been wanting to try out but been struggling where to start, Sundose is the perfect brand for you. With the code 'lucyjade' you are able to get 20 pounds off your first order!

Have you ever tried vitamins/supplements before or is it something you already do on a regular basis? Please do let me know! 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Is Endless Scrolling A Bad Habit Of Yours?

I know, I know. It's something we are all told, but it's also something we are all guilty of doing. How many times have you climbed into bed at half ten at night, told yourself you'll have a look on social media, a scroll on Instagram for five minutes and then it ends up being midnight by the time you next look at the clock. It's not good for us, the blue light is bad for our eyes and tricks our brain into alert mode. Making falling asleep much harder than it needs to be. So with all that said this is why I've decided to ban phones and screens in the bedroom.

Your bedroom needs to have that balance and divide of being the place you sleep in, and not the place you work or relax in. I know, it's hard but there are plenty of activities to do before bed that help us wind down and relax in a way that is better for us in the long run.

1. Read a Book. 
Reading is so good for us and our brains. It helps our creativity, it helps us wind down and it's almost like a telly show, just without the moving pictures. I am very aware reading isn't for everybody and I stand in a kind of unique situation here seeming I read books for University on the regular as part of my English Literature degree. I, however, also enjoy reading in my spare time also. Now the type of book really doesn't matter, as long as you are reading something you enjoy, it's not only stimulating your brain but it helps to wind you down from the day a lot better than any screen could do.

2. Journaling.

Journalling is something that is not for everyone. But journalling is also something that differs for every single person. For some filling out their to-do list for the next day is great as it means you don't have to think about it when you wake up the next morning. Or some take journalling as a more approach of writing down how their day went what happened and how they overcame whatever occurred. For me, I think both work equally as well so it's a personal choice of what you may want to do or try.

3. Colouring.
Although this is something I tend to do while watching telly, I know I'm one of those people who can't sit still. I've always got to have something in my hand, but I find colouring such a relaxing activity. It helps put my mind at rest especially after a busy day at work or just studying for university. You don't have to concentrate hard either so it's great if you suffer from regular headaches like I do.

4.  Practising gratitude. 
There is just something quite wonderful about the whole idea of just lighting a candle while sitting in bed and just closing your eyes as you let your thoughts drift through your mind as you remember the things that matter to you in life.

What is your go-to habit before bedtime that really helps you get to sleep better? I would love to know.